Fuel Storage Facility Modifications (Completed Jan 2017)
Currier & Company was selected to complete a 10-30-100% set of plans for a major in-service upgrade to the existing landside and airside fuel system at the BDL airport, Hartford Connecticut.
Mr. Currier led a due diligence evaluation of the facility and then supported the decision-making process by providing alternatives and options to the Owner for consideration.
C&C was then directed to complete 30% plans, and specs and afterward, proceed with 100% plans and detailed estimate – employing a phased construction approach. Budget: $8.81 MM.
Bulk scope: The project provided a sweeping upgrade to the two-tank Bulk Facility built by Texaco in 1973 – including cutting the tank bottoms and moving the tanks to build new cone-down bottoms w/CP and liners under both tanks, new ringwalls w/tell-tales, in-tank gauging, interior and exterior paint, lead abatement, tank overfill prevention in accordance with API 2350, a new semi-fixed foam fire protection system with foam concentrate tank and w/hand lines for pool fires, and a new sump separator to recover fuel from tank sumps and all filter vessels. A new Pipeline-Receipt Filter/Separator was added downstream of the Buckeye metering system. A UST was re-tasked for contact water. C&C provided coordination with Buckeye Pipeline to add a new fill line to Tank 302, and to relocate meter proving outside the dike. A new truck off-loading rack and gravel access road was designed along with a large underdrain to relieve groundwater from the landside bulk farm. C&C re-graded the entire site and added dike drainage suited to a new liner, and subdivision of the dike area (NFPA 30). A Bulk Farm PLC control system and basic communication backbone were included to enable remote airside Ops Building control interface and videography. (see Airside scope below). The site was very constrained by wetlands & the critical need to keep the facility running efficiently.
Transfer Line scope: C&C designed repairs and improvements to the 2700 ft long 10” transfer line including adding low points, conducting an API 570 exam, providing new cathodic protection and conducting repairs.
Airside scope: Added CP to the Refueler Loading Rack area U/G fuel LP drain for ATA 103 compliance. Provide full-capacity OWS for the multiproduct truck/GSE loading operations on airside. Retasked the existing OWS, provide compliant catwalks to GSE fueling dispensers and Jet-A Filtration. Multiple fuel piping improvements were included and an emergency generator was provided for both airside and bulk facilities. A new HMI was provided to accommodate the Bulk Farm Telemetry.
Overall, the project finished just below budget and finished 200 days ahead of the contract schedule.